GDPPC Open Tournament Budapest 2013

Central European University
Budapest H-1051
június 21.
Miért gyere el?

Already missing Budapest Open? Us too! The good news is that the en...

Already missing Budapest Open? Us too! The good news is that the enthusiastic OrgCom of BPO is already putting on another tournament in Budapest to coincide with the Global Debate and Public Policy Challenge.
CEU has graciously agreed to host us once again, and members of CEU DS as well as Corvinus and ELTE debate societies are once again cooperating in the organization process.

Experience the balmy summer nights in our ever-vibrant city, do some super intense prep for EUDC!

Format: BP
Seven-minute speeches, five rounds breaking to semis.

Friday: opening party
Saturday: 4 rounds, dinner & party
Sunday: 1 round, semifinals, final, dinner & party

Team cap: 32

CA team: Filip Dobranic, Nika Jelaska, Radu Cotarcea, Ana Gurau, Viktor Prlja

Reg fee: a mere 30 EUR per person, payable on the spot. Includes three nights (Fri-Sat-Sun) accommodation in hotel, three socials, all meals Saturday and Sunday.

Registration is now closed! Thank you to all who have registered, we are delighted by your interest and look forward to welcoming you.

If you have any questions or concerns or if you need to change reg info after submitting the form, write here or email us - debatehungary at gmail dot com.
További info az esemény weboldalán.


Central European University
Budapest H-1051, Nador u. 9
