Speed Recruiting

Opus Jazz Club
Budapest 1093
október 07.
Miért gyere el?

Dear CEMSies!

Could you sell yourselves in some minute...

Dear CEMSies!

Could you sell yourselves in some minutes? Come and find out!

Now you will have the opportunity to try yourself out. For preparation Mr William Benkő, studied at University of Colorado and president of the American Chamber (AMCham), will give you some hints with his great experience about inspirational speaking. After then you have short talks (3-5 mins) with four of our corporate partners (Vodafone, PwC, KPMG, Microsoft). Finally, we will have nice standing dinner reception and informal networking

Important! For participation, please send your CV to budapestcemsclub@gmail.com.
Dress code: business casual

The strict agenda is the following:
- 18.00 pm: Vilmos Benkő: How can you sell yourself in today’s fast-paced world
- 19.00 pm: 3-5 minute long speed interviews
- standing dinner reception

See you there!
További info az esemény weboldalán.


Opus Jazz Club
Budapest 1093, Mátyás utca 8.
