CEMS Heroes - Donate blood and save three lives!

CEMS Club Budapest
Budapest 1093
február 18.
Miért gyere el?

Day by day many people risk their lives for the sake of good.

Day by day many people risk their lives for the sake of good.
You instead, can be a hero while sitting in a comfortable armchair and chatting to your fellow CEMSies as well!

Every two seconds, someone needs blood.
However, blood cannot be manufactured. It can only come as a gift from people like You.

CEMS Club Budapest is delighted to take part in the Corvinus University Blood Donation organized by the Hungarian Red Cross in cooperation with the Students' Union.

WHERE? Corvinus, Old Building, 1st floor hall.
WHEN? The Red Cross will be present from Tuesday to Thursday (18-20 February) between 11,00 and 17,30. We need to pick a common time spot to present ourselves as a community.
WHAT YOU NEED? Eat and drink (no alcohol) sufficiently in advance. On Tuesday and Friday Pizza Forte will provide 15-15 pizzas for the donors. You need your ID card, your health insurance card and proof of your residence.

Come and join us, be a CEMS hero and save three lives within half an hour.
További info az esemény weboldalán.


CEMS Club Budapest
Budapest 1093, Fővám tér 8.
