Christmas Party

Szervező: ESN BKF
Füvész Bár
Budapest 1072
december 19.
Miért gyere el?

Dearest Students,

Christmas is coming, and we would li...

Dearest Students,

Christmas is coming, and we would like to celebrate it with you, so we invite you to ESN BKF's Christmas Party on the 19th December.

We will make you some special gift, but that will be a secret until the party ;)

We would like to make some nostalgic feeling so don't hesitate to bring photos because we will show them on a screen there :) You can bring them in pendrive :)

We also have a photo competition ( and we will announce the winners at the Christmas Party :) so please upload the pictures to the photo competition's event! ;)

See you there! :)
További info az esemény weboldalán.


Füvész Bár
Budapest 1072, Nagydiófa utca 25.
