The Invisible Exhibition (ESN BKF Social Program)

Szervező: ESN BKF
Invisible Exhibition- Láthatatlan Kiállítás
Budapest 1024
május 10.
Miért gyere el?

Dear All,

We would like to visit the Invisible Exhibit...

Dear All,

We would like to visit the Invisible Exhibition, which is a unique interactive journey to an invisible world, where in total darkness you find your way only by touch,sounds and scent.

If you join us, you will also be able to understand what life is like without one of the senses that provides us with the most information, to live without your sight.

The program takes about 1,5 hours. You will be in the dark at least for 1 hour and the rest you will spend at the visible part.

Put on comfortable shoes! ;)

Adult: 1.700 HUF
Student: 1.400 HUF
Group: 1.200 HUF (over 20 person)

Groups will go in every 15 minutes, 2 appointment were booked for us:
for 17:30 and 17:45 but only 8-10 people can be in every group so be fast, the spots are limited, don't miss this unique opportunity! ;)

Location: Széll Kálmán tér metro station (Red Line)
Time: 17:00

After the exhibition we can go drinking somewhere of course ;)

See you there! :)
További info az esemény weboldalán.


Invisible Exhibition- Láthatatlan Kiállítás
Budapest 1024, Kis Rókus u. 16-20 Millenáris B épület
