Making a Difference Through Public Service

Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem, Főépület, földszint II. előadó
április 02.
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Előadó: Michael Dukakis Kormányzó

A rendezvényt a Jövő...

Előadó: Michael Dukakis Kormányzó

A rendezvényt a Jövőképp! Egyesület, az Egyesült Államok Nagykövetsége, az American Corner Budapest, valamint a BCE Politikatudományi Intézet közösen szervezi.

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Előadónk rövid életpályája:

Michael Dukakis began his political career as an elected Town Meeting Member in the town of Brookline. He was elected chairman of his town’s Democratic organization in 1960 and won a seat in the Massachusetts Legislature in 1962. He served four terms as a legislator. In 1970 he was the Massachusetts Democratic Party’s nominee for Lieutenant Governor. Dukakis won his party’s nomination for Governor in 1974. He inherited a record deficit and record high unemployment and is generally credited with digging Massachusetts out of one of its worst financial and economic crises in history. But the effort took its toll, and Dukakis was defeated in the Democratic primary in 1978 by Edward King. Dukakis came back to defeat King in 1982 and was reelected to an unprecedented third, four-year term in 1986 by one of the largest margins in history. In 1986, his colleagues in the National Governors’ Association voted him the most effective governor in the nation. Dukakis won the Democratic nomination for the presidency of the United States in 1988. Since June 1991, Dukakis has been a Distinguished Professor of Political Science at Northeastern University and Visiting Professor at the School of Public Affairs at UCLA. He co-authored a book titled How to Get Into Politics – and Why? which is designed to encourage young people to think seriously about politics and public service as a career.
További info az esemény weboldalán.


Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem, Főépület, földszint II. előadó
, 1093 Budapest, Fővám tér 8.
