ESN BKF Movie night vol.1

Szervező: ESN BKF
BKF Rózsa utcai campus
Budapest 1077
március 11.
Miért gyere el?

Dear ESN Friends!

Our tradition is to organize movie n...

Dear ESN Friends!

Our tradition is to organize movie nights in every semester where you have the chance to experience Hungarian films.

In our first movie night we will watch " Kontroll", a tale about a strange young man, Bulcsú, the fellow inspectors on his team, all without exception likeable characters, a rival ticket inspection team, and racing along the tracks... And a tale about love.

Let's meet on Tuesday in front of Keleti pályaudvar metro station at 19:10 !

The movie night will be at BKF's other campus: Rózsa utca.

You can also join us there :) !
További info az esemény weboldalán.


BKF Rózsa utcai campus
Budapest 1077, Rózsa utca
